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Showing most liked content on 02/27/2020 in all areas

  1. I have used many cheats in the past, Private/Public cheats for R6. This is how I view the cheat and my personal opinion Aimbot: 9/10 Have been using the aimbot a lot, honestly has been pretty amazing, hit all my shots and I constantly play on 150ms ping. Only problem that occurred was where the aimbot randomly snaps away from a person. (Known bug) but except that, highly recommend using the aimbot. ESP: 10/10 ESP works as it should, never ran into any problems. Would suggest maybe adding bone ESP in the near future, but functionality wise the ESP is perfect!! Item ESP: 10/10 Not much you can say about it, but it works perfectly and its great being able to see purples and golds from far away and snatching them before your teammates. Was surprised to see this was a feature and got excited when I first started using it. Overall: 9/10 Cheat is great, once the random BSOD and random Aimbot snapping gets fixed when Darky get backs, cheat will be perfect and cant wait for that. Overall great cheat again by Proof Core and will definitely be renewing my subscription for Apex Legends
  2. thanks for the review wish i could try it ?
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  3. I won't repeat myself again. If you still think refunding is right in this case, good for you, that's your bleak opinion that not one good cheat provider upholds. I've explained everything that happened and others can judge for themselves based on our discussion. Out of thousands of satisfied customers, you're the only one that has taken issue to literally everything you listed, which says something. Even though you failed to read any of the instructions given to you on the forum and failed to listen to instructions given to you in the ticket, we would've still gladly helped you if you would've taken 2 minutes out of your day to ask a question. You say have a busy schedule which is fine, but don't blame us for it especially after you made it so much harder on yourself by not having enough common sense to read the directions. This discussion is just going down a path of retardation and will be closed. I won't continue to argue the same points over and over. I'm sorry that you forgot to read the instructions before purchasing our services and I'm sorry you can't get a refund for the same reason, among others that I've listed above. Have a great rest of your night! #Closed
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  4. Extremely quick and shitty edit I made just to show off what this amazing cheat can do in Apex. Thank you to all the people in the ProofCore team that make playing with this amazing software possible ❤️
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