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  1. I won't repeat myself again. If you still think refunding is right in this case, good for you, that's your bleak opinion that not one good cheat provider upholds. I've explained everything that happened and others can judge for themselves based on our discussion. Out of thousands of satisfied customers, you're the only one that has taken issue to literally everything you listed, which says something. Even though you failed to read any of the instructions given to you on the forum and failed to listen to instructions given to you in the ticket, we would've still gladly helped you if you would've taken 2 minutes out of your day to ask a question. You say have a busy schedule which is fine, but don't blame us for it especially after you made it so much harder on yourself by not having enough common sense to read the directions. This discussion is just going down a path of retardation and will be closed. I won't continue to argue the same points over and over. I'm sorry that you forgot to read the instructions before purchasing our services and I'm sorry you can't get a refund for the same reason, among others that I've listed above. Have a great rest of your night! #Closed
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  2. Literally all you had to do was download a 1903 or 1809 ISO off of adguard or ANY torrent website and install it from your USB onto your computer, and you ignored all of that. We have had SO MANY members successfully downgrade from 1909, and this is simply the result of your own incompetence.
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  3. Sorry that you had a bad experience with our provider, but this wasn't because of us... You didn't read ANY of the instructions given to you on the forum, which is a requirement to get verified anyway. We answered the questions you had in your ticket even though you were supposed to ask on the forum, but we were nice about it and really wanted you to get your cheat working. Regardless of this, you asked for a refund twice because the cheats "didn't work". You tried using ShadowPC which is listed in our FAQ on our forum as not working with our cheats. I gave you the resets you needed regardless and when the cheat didn't work you decided to try to install Windows 10, you couldn't figure that out either. Instead of asking questions in the forum, you decided to get frustrated and rude to our staff. You blamed our "slow support", even though ALL of your questions where answered in the same day they were posted with response times being very quick considering that I'm studying for a large test, have a life and a job. The same goes for my fellow moderator, and ESPECIALLY for our admins who are swamped on a daily basis. Your failure to ask questions, that I would've been more than happy to answer, resulted in your lost days. Up until today, the last time you responded to the ticket was on February 8 which was 16 days ago. After 16 days, you responded asking for a reset, which I gave, and then decided to rudely call our support slow and our ticket system stupid. You said we were treating you like "an annoying fly" in your ticket which made no sense. You said you "went above and beyond" trying to install Windows when all it takes is watching a video that you can find on Google with a 2 second search. If you don't understand what to do in the video, you could've happily asked questions and our staff would've been happy to answer, but you didn't. Also to address some more of the statements you made in the support tickets; Windows 10 is COMPLETELY free to install. You don't need to pay money like you said you had to, this makes no sense. You were also using a 1909 iso to install Windows(which is what the Windows 10 installer gives you) instead of a 1809 or 1903 iso which is even supplied on the forum. Even if you didn't understand this, ALL you had to do was ask instead of waiting 16 days for your sub to run out. Just so you know, we also have a Discord which you can join and ask simple questions in. Not only will our Support help you, but we also have a fairly large community that would be more than willing to answer your questions. You're our ONLY customer that wasn't able to successfully install Windows just becuase you didn't put in the time to do a little research before using our cheats or asking any questions about getting Windows up and running. You can't magically appear after 16 days of silence and blame our staff for not helping you. Our cheat is click and go, as long as you follow the directions given to you. We spend hours of our time making guides just for this reason.
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