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Koerperklaus last won the day on November 5 2020

Koerperklaus had the most liked content!


About Koerperklaus

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Community Answers

  1. Nice video, the watermark in the middle is kinda annoying tho.
  2. Thanks x) I think I used too many different transitions after watching it a couple of times.
  3. Hello folks, I'll work on some lower thirds, intros and watermarks from time to time that you can use in your videos. Animated Feature Info (lower third like) [AE] Wobble Watermark [AE] Sincerely, Koerperklaus
  4. Hello folks, I initially only wanted to work on the lower third and watermark but somehow ended up making a whole video. I'd appreciate some feedback. Sincerely, Koerperklaus
  5. It always depends on how you use the MurderMode. I agree that especially long-range kills may look strange considering your bullets are being teleported so you will always hit the enemy within a few milliseconds after your shots were fired. However, it is possible to make it look legit. For example, just tap your aim key once instead of holding it while spraying. That will result in killing the enemy without any suspiciousness. I've been #1 in KotH in many matches without anybody complaining about me cheating, you just gotta get used to using it properly.
  6. Thanks for your review. Glad you’re enjoying our product.
  7. Ihr könnt gerne irgendeinen Discord von euch posten. Allerdings bitte nichts in unserem Namen. Also nennt es von mit aus "Deutsche Hacker Gruppe" oder irgendetwas in der Richtung.
  8. Your review is totally fine. We aren't saying anybody how his review has to be written as long as it is constructive.
  9. Geht darum dass diese Programme zum Absturz des hacks oder des computers führen können wenn sie zusammen mit dem hack laufen. Aber wie gesagt habs noch nie getestet.
  10. Moin, ich würde es jetzt nicht als unbedingt nötig bezeichnen aber je mehr Zeug du im Hintergrund laufen hast, desto mehr potentielle Fehler gibt es halt. Hab’s noch nie getestet aber die Razer Dinger beenden ja glaube Hintergrundprozesse um mehr FPS zu bekommen oder so? Das könnte in der Theorie durchaus zu Problemen führen.
  11. Nice video but awful taste of music x)
  12. Yep 10/10 MBK definitely is one of my favorite producers. I only listen to Uptempo and Terror but most people usually don't even know what that is lmao. People gotta think we are crazy ? I really like the switch from full insanity to something more chill at 1:30 in this track.
  13. 8 / 10 great track with awesome kicks but kinda too slow for me. Watch this one without skipping, the fucked up part has to surprise you lmao
  14. Thanks for your review. You should try using murder mode while sitting in a ghost hawk. You can get a shitload of kills while still looking legit if you are doing it correctly.
  15. I'd rate this a 2 / 10. It's way too slow but I don't like downers at all so that's probably why. I prefer uppers so here is some high bpm shit hehe. Öhh C Ballernnn!

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