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  1. What version of windows should i use to use fortnite? Anyspecific Builds of Windows OS??? I can get onto any specific builds i just need to know which one will work the best or most compatible. ive seen some Chairs crash, lose injection, bluescreen, instant close game and other random things if you're even a build off. This is just important to me honestly. thanks in advance. Typing "Winver" in the Windows key + R command box will show up with the windows version and build. "Version 2XHX (OS Build xxxxx.xxxx)"
  2. My 100% honest opinion on proofcore thus far, please do not take any negativity as hate but as feedback or improvement for proofcore. I've only used it a few days but i IMMEDIATELY had concerns regarding the aimbot for MnK. AIMBOT: [IMPORTANT] add a toggle to choose between skeleton or Visible mesh targeting. Some of the skeleton on rigged models for MWII are fucked and the head bone is in the ass. the models animate/run normally but affects aimbot. please fix. I'll add a photo for everyone to see. Aim Targeting: Not being able to decide 0-20 fov is very odd. Not being able to set the smoothness to 0 is also very unusual. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY why is there no Skeleton/armature selection {Head/Neck/Chest/Stomach] to use all at once simultaneously or independently not just the singular standard "Chest" option we're given. Also, regarding the target head feature I've only seen one provider add "target delay" and that would arguably be better than the "target head" because it can set a delay between 0-100ms. For instance, if I set it to 59ms, then after that delay, the shot will be directed at the neck killing the target almost instantly (or any other preferred target point after the set time such as the head), and yes this bind would typically would be binded to whatever the "chest" bind would be but in my testing having "neck+chest" is better and doesn't look as suspicious as having just "chest" making it look less sticky. Controller support: I've used other chair providers and they all support aimbot for controller. It is a bit saddening to know that this isn't going to be implemented whatsover from the little time I've spent in the forums, but it is important to note that adding it would make the game visually look more "legit" since i use a XIM to convert all my MNK inputs to analog controller inputs. MnK is not preferred for call of duty and heavily heavily heavily disadvantages the player compared to default controller aim. I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH. Triggerbot: Nowhere to be found... Silent aim: nowhere to be found... No recoil: recoil settings that will adjust horizontal and vertical recoil independently. horizontal being x, vertical being y and setting the strength based on 1-0 or 0-1. nowhere to be found... ESP: [IMPORTANT!!!] We need a ESP BOX that changes based on Movement Behavior State [Prone, Crouch, Standing]. If you're standing it will look normal and upright, if you crouch the esp will adjust to the height of the head. If prone, ESP horizontal and FLAT on the ground. Also i dont remember if there was a opacity slider but i want to adjust how transparent the esp is. Weapon Name ESP: This lets me know if i can win the gunfight based on the name of the weapon they currently have in their hand. ((example: I have a LMG (kastov762) the other guy has a melee weapon (Axe)) MISC: add Controller movement (not to be confused with controller support) add anti sway for guns

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