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  1. Nah, I was told by a few people now that are main sellers of UD cheats on the market that they simplifided their indentifiers, i.e drives/mobo is all you need to change now. I believe the controller/monitor/periphials rumour is BS. but they can obviously change the indentifiers they grab anytime, it's why they detect/ban spoofer users, they update what they grab from the cheaters.
  2. I just bought a brand new PC to play all games legit. Just like to know if this will get rid of all my HWID ban issues or does Ricochet ban periphials/monitors?
  3. Nice video man! what rank did you reach?
  4. 330, you don't need to touch it to be honest. never touch Veloc. use smooth 4 ?
  5. Nice video bro! ❤️

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