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Showing most liked content on 03/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Minding my own business looting (Only use ESP for locating/avoiding malicious players) and some preteen dweeb comes up on me and starts trying to attack me. I noticed him in advance because of the ESP. Anyway I scale a crane and he approaches the base of it, talking a lot of shit to me. I use the 'middle finger' emote and turn around to make him think I'm ignoring him. As soon as I do, he climbs the crane, but I'm ready and waiting. Almost as soon as he gets to the top, we start duking it out, eventually knocking each other out. I come to, first; grab his shovel and wait for him to regain himself. As soon as he does I wack him on the back of the head(ish) and he falls to his death. 10/10 - will continue to use Proofcore to ensure no one fucks with me or my companions in the future.
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