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Everything posted by Dmpk

  1. Again thats your excuse for it, but a reasonable business doesn't practice that way. Your product isn't even tangible, your out no money if someone dislikes it and wants a refund. Yet you chose to stand strong on stealing the money instead, even though in most cases with most payment methods you could easily refund the majority, if the person did not use the product and will not be able to use the product. I get it, you have a "policy" but again, your just stealing with a smile on your face hiding behind what you think is a legally binding contract. Morally your wrong, because you lose nothing but a sale by refunding, and do nothing but increase your business reputation. Because you don't have to stare me in the eyes when you steal from me, your bold enough to do it. Plain and simple. Yeah, people do dumb shit all the time, you aren't used to it by now :)? You've never been drunk at 1:30 in the morning and clicked looking for a cheat cause you want to own some kids in a video game? Guess we don't relate at all bud, which is completely fine. Theres context to everything, theres still a morale responsibility your missing here. lol
  2. Again your opnion. When someone walks into my store and has a product thats less than 24 hours old and says " didn't work as expected " I don't put a bunch of extra issues on top of it, I just refund the money, and wait for appreciative customers to come along who actually want to buy the item. You lose no money by refunding the money, all fees get reversed, and if they didnt you could easily refund it minus the fees. I wasn't incompetent, I didn't want windows 10 in the first place, and asked for a refund early on, and only installed it after you guys pretty much said you wouldn't be refunding it and to try and install something I did not want in the first place. Who cares about your guides, I didn't want it. not really, nearly every store where I am (Los angeles) does returns without much of an issue. If the items damaged or worn sure, but you have access to the logs, I've spent less than 3% of the total time i've had the subscription because, you guessed it, Couldn't press a button and go, had to do all sorts of hoops, instead of just getting the refund I requested in the first place. You say that, since you seem to want to stick to it we'll see if the bank agrees.
  3. The real question is what gives you the right to steal that money when the person will clearly not use your product as a result of the restrictions? Kinda makes you a terrible human being, no REAL business would STAY in business with that business model, they'd be chastised by the entire community. That doesn't happen here because you offer something quite frankly very few are able AND willing to offer, and keep it functioning apparently well enough for the majority. Stealing someone's money because "They didn't read" isn't a reasonable reason to steal their money. Thats like saying it's ok to take 20$ from the retarded kid because he's too stupid to remember it right? As far as the multiple windows versions, far far far beyond my expertise, so i'll go ahead calm down there. Yes I tried using Shadowpc because its a working version of 1903 windows 10 and it was what I had available. I figured plenty out about installing windows 10. The problem was installing it for free, while doing 40 hours of work a week, and 25 hours of school a week, and dealing with all the issues that arose while doing that. To top that all off, I DONT EVEN WANT WINDOWS 10, so that doesn't HELP my original problem in the first place. I did this to be reasonable, not because I wanted to. Again I get it, you want to make this my fault... enjoy doing so if thats what you need to justify stealing money from a student with very little free time. You could easily have been far more reasonable, and you chose not to be, so this is the review I've left. You making excuses doesn't change my shit experience, and it doesn't change the validity of my statements. I'd have to disagree. Already bought another one and it works fine on 1909, and every other windows 10 version =/. Clearly someone is able to deliver. Your right though, now that I have had a little time to research ISO's this would of been doable, after all the other issues. Still not an acceptable end result in my book. I used the cheat for less than 20 minutes total via remote desktop. Yet the time still ticks on, no way to do anything about it, and no reasonable people on the provider side willing to be reasonable about it. Again, for the price, your not very simple. My opinion.
  4. You fail to mention that I mention the word refund 6 times within the first 24 hours of having the cheat, and the only reason I didn't push it was because I was trying to be reasonable for my mistake in not reading properly. I admit, thats my folly, although I'm still surprised you don't offer windows 7 support, as many cheats still do, and from what I understand (very very very secondhand knowledge here, so it may be wrong) windows 7 is supposedly far easier to make a hack on. Either way it took 16 total days to get my shit together and get windows installed properly. As mentioned in the above problems trying to get it installed, without spending money. Balance that with a 40 hour work week and 25 hour school week, and you get a very busy individual who was expecting far more plug and play than this, especially for the price.
  5. Thats your opinion. My opinion is that if your going to charge a huge premium because your "the best in the business" then you should hold yourself to that standard. Not going to argue it, everyone, including you, including me, is entitled to their opinion. Your product is far to "niche" and complicated when all YOU have to do is make it function on 1909. Any excuse you have from there is pointless in my eyes, as its your responsibility to cater to your customer base, not the customers job to cater to you. Sorry you disagree. Easy to act reasonable when you hold all the cards and refuse to refund customers who want a refund. lol
  6. So I bought the hack about 2 weeks ago, because it advertised working h1z1 hacks, which no one else had, and it shows undetected on some other cheats I was interested in, namely Dayz standalone. First roadblock was my fault. I didn't realize this was a windows 10 only cheat, and once I realized my problem I started trying to fix it. Dual boot 7 and 10, which is way harder than it sounds, unless everything is installed in the proper order. Then started having windows genuine errors, because my motherboard is not a dell motherboard, but the key used was. I had it working fine on 7, but 10 kept rejecting and limiting my use. Finally I get this working, and get these guys to reset my hwid, just to find out that a brand new install of windows 10 automatically uploads build 1909, which is the MOST CURRENT VERSION of windows out, but these guys only support 1903 and 18 something. I try and look up ways to remove 1909 and install 1903, and essentially they all said to roll back your windows updates... Well you CANT roll back updates when it automatically sets you to 1909. So here I sit, 2 weeks into my 60$ subscription unable to use the cheat. I wanted to buy more cheats, but at this point I really don't see a point. The professionalism is just not there and I have to cater to this cheat so much JUST to get it working... when realistically for this price I should be catered to (aka you should make your damn cheats work for the CURRENT build of windows.) This is my 2 cents. We'll see if I ever get a resolution, or if this post even gets to stay here. Needless to say I feel ripped off and am at my witts end trying to cater to this cheat just to make it function as intended.
  7. Diablo 2 dupe / drop / tppk hacking first ever. Followed nearly the same week by Counterstrike 1.6 hacks and its been downhill ever since! loll

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