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iamnotacheaterhehe last won the day on February 27

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  1. Just curious not tryna be a d-i-c-k but if you dont know anything about the topic why reply with your assumption and speak on others behalf. Im well aware what proofcore is. Theres a community here and this is a question in the forums. If someone who used this method sees my post theyll comment. But thanks for the useless comment.
  2. came across a guy that somehow has his own dupe service. Not gonna name him fully or show the video of him performing the dupe because i do not wish to give this person a platform. Just have questions for anyone that also may have utilized this person on these forums. If the name Dahmer is familiar to you and you paid for a dupe service then you know who and what im referring to. Basically this person claimed he can dupe on any server. i chose rearmed obviously so i only can say for sure that he can definitely do it on rearmed. he claims theres absolutely no logs and no trace of what he duplicated and he simply has to hold the item you want duped. he never left the server and didnt do any sort of lag switch method. he simply held the item and started dropping as many as i wanted. he even claimed to be able to raid another base if we paid for that service, he said he could delete all the code locks on a base that we chose to target, let us walk in and loot everything and then delete the entire base when were done. no trace nothing. i just cant see how this is possible unless this person is in fact a dirty admin. maybe if i ask to do another server he will tell me some story as to why he cant. probably is just a rearmed admin. his cftools account gave no info it was fresh account but im sure he has many and is not naive, but does anyone have any idea how this could be possible without being an admin. did someone simply make their own dupe hack and they discreetly sell it as a private service? can anyone share some insight thanks https://imgur.com/a/esaGDgK
  3. i have 7k hours and i came here as a joke to see how easy it is for the average player to get access to cheats, besides the application process. this stuff is pretty much undetectable 99% the only way you will get caught is by being careless and it will be by a server admin. there are many methods they use you just have to be smart about what you are doing. 6k of my hours are legit and modded server time. i know many server admins and owners from big name servers and they are all clowns. high off power and think theyre detectives. they will leave their invisibility by putting special clothes on but they can still be detected by esp. Common way they try to bait you. when they use their admin tools they will go invisible fully and be off your esp. so be careful, when you see someone spawn randomly in your proximity, assume its an admin, most of the time it is just someone logging in where they logged off but if your getting high k/d sessions it will be an admin and they will follow u. this is where u use ur esp defensively and just play dumb. i constantly loot towns knowing where everything is but will spend the extra time looting empty sheds that i know are empty because admins can also spectate u from YOUR POV but they have to be loaded in near you to do this. if you notice someone constantly following u withing 500m-1000m its probably them trying to keep you in there render distance so they can go camera mode or spectate u 1pp. another thing they will do is drop rare items in your path. if its too good to be true it is dont even look its way keep moving along. another great tool is cftools. anyone can subscribe and look up player names for 10$. i find it useful to identify my opponents and to see if admins are near me. most of the time there past names have an admin tag. just be smart and you wont get caught. use esp and not aimbot, because they see percentage values and every headshot u get is not head its actually brain and thats how they get u again. just be smart its a powerful tool if you use it intelligently. the information alone is invaluable in a game like this. knowing postioning is all you need to know anything more will get you watched. ive had admins watch me play for hours, drop stuff at my feet and try to bait me, i had friends in staff tell me the notes they had on me but could never get anything concrete. i went on for months before getting finally banned after 2 years because some admin swore i was cheating but couldnt prove it. and also never let them look thru your pc to do a file check. screw them theyre not cops its discord. just make a new account and change ur ip and start over. i let an admin look thru my files, deleted everything in my mail, steam purchases, saved data etc you name it, all he had to go off of was my good stats which werent that out of the ordinary from a top a player. and they banned me. but it doesnt matter theres nothing they can do to stop you from coming back if you know how to do it. just be smart and remember these admins are losers. if ur getting watched it for a reason. just play a few days legit to get them off your back. good luck

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