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Showing most liked content on 02/02/2024 in all areas

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  3. I'm new to these services, before being recommended proofcore, i tried another vendor before and literally lost my main account after the first game. I made a new EA account and it seems to be working after one day so i don't think its a hardware ban. I formatted windows and installed the supported version. A few questions. Do i need to wait a bit before i purchase proofcore to let the new EA account age a bit? Can i use controller? Does it work with steam? Ive followed all of the other set up instructions, just wanted to know the answers to these questions before i jump in. Sorry if these questions have been answered before i cant seem to find anything related. Thanks in advanced.
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  4. No you don't and You don't need to worry about hwid bans We have a working spoofer Included just for Apex Yes but you need a third party program to bind aimbot keybinds to your controller We only Support EA App, Steam Version of the game is different so It's not supported.
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