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About Kakashi513

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  1. Would like to further update that I got it running on a lower resolution finally at a playable 70fps on dayz but I still am upset about them not just switching it to satisfy the customer but overall half of my subscription was wasted but finally am now able to enjoy it. But some features still don’t work on servers
  2. This is going to be little scrambled and long but bear with me. I bought the back on 04/03 it took til 03/05 to get everything antivirus turned off, and everything needed downloaded finally I get the hack to work after reinstalling windows because you have to turn off secure boot to the get hack to work. Long story short I lost everything In my device because I didn’t know bitlocker was enabled okay cool long story short I reinstall everything after losing everything get the hack up an working an half the features don’t work half the time an if you get 100 fps expect 50fps with the hack up an running, I was so kind and polite and paitent and I felt like the staff just blew me off when I got fed up with Dayz and asked to sub the hack for a more playable game since I get more frames on Arma 3 but they just blew me off an told me they don’t sub swap and not to reply again. After I was told for my lost time trying to set up the cheat I could get on back on Arma 3 but I won’t worry about it I’ll take my L the cheat is unplayable and the staff don’t really care about me in my enjoyment so I won’t be returning to do business after all the hoops and hurdles it took to get this set up just to be treated like this and called autistic on the discord by admins I thought this was a fun community but there was my experience I’m just a number and wasted my time and money

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