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About Mafio

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  1. All clear thank you very much for your answer
  2. Hello everyone I m verified and I m looking forward to buy your amazing tool but I have a couple of questions first. (Warzone / MW3) 1- I get this is not controller supported but I can use Antimicro to remap my aim bot key to make it work. Will there is any kind of “tutorial” about this set up after the purchase? I mean is there any topic in the forum (post purchase) that explain how to set this up? 2- if I don’t use the aim bot can u use the controller as a regular one with walls feature and the regular aim assist in game? Thank you in advance I mean do I have to remap the whole controller or just the aim key? Thx
  3. Ok I got him 👍🏻 thank you
  4. Hello I just noticed that the payment option for 1 week / 2 weeks / a month is only through Cryptos and credit cards are disabled. Will the card option be back? thank you

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