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  1. Sent you a friend request
  2. Thank you replying, appreciate the response. I do have a couple of more questions (I do want to purchase this!) - Are we able to take this discussion via Discord?
  3. I've only made a suggestion 🙂
  4. I would like to make a suggestion. It would be beneficial if verification can be done externally, e.g Striple "Know your customer" - that way people like myself can feel comfortable and safe providing verification. Handling sensitive (in this instance ID) needs security protocols implemented, and I cannot see any FAQ stating how you store this information. Also I don't trust wordpress!
  5. Thank you for coming back to me. This is unfortunate and won't be able to purchase, but I understand why. You can close this thread.
  6. Hello, I understand prior to purchasing the cheat tool; verification ID is required. I also understand this is to prevent EAC/Respawn from Reverse Engineering your tool and thus becoming detected. I would love to purchase this tool, but I feel cautious providing my passport and ID - I work in a field where this wouldn't be condemned. Is there any-other methods I could provide proof I am a legit person? I am available on discord. Thank you

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