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xepheon last won the day on April 30

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  1. So it looks like this is a necessary step that everyone has to go through? I didnt see that we had to open tickets and wait for hwid resets in the how to use guides, unless I missed it.... if its not there, itd be nice for future users to know so they dont end up buying, then not being able to use and waiting for a ticket (thats what im doing now). Or at least let them know that when they buy the product, they wont be able to use it until someone gives them a hwid reset that way they know ahead of time and they wont be so irritated
  2. I finally got ahold od Mar1k (thanks xenos) , got my bank to allow the charge with Zen. Now I cant even access the launcher, its saying im not authorized to access the account. So.... I made a ticket about it and I wait again. Is my timer running out on my subscription while I wait for them to authorize me to use the launcher?
  3. IDK how to edit my previous post, or if I even can, but I wanted to clarify that my bank didnt specifically say this site had issues with scams in the past or anything, but they said sites LIKE this one have been an issue, I forgot the term they used but I assume its because its not a .com website? Essentially they said they found it suspicious. I just cant believe my bank just told me I wasnt allowed to spend my money where I wanted to spend my money. What a time to be alive. So is this not normal then? Were all you guys able to just simply run your debit/credit card and have access?? I really didnt want to, but I tried another website, my bank refused the sale over there too. Okay, im gonna try and look into bitcoin and crap again. Patience isnt one of my strengths.
  4. Thanks for the reply. Mind if I ask who Mark is? And how might I contact him? Im new to all of this man 😕 I appreciate any help. Yeah I called and asked, they basically said they dont allow payment through shady sites. I asked if I could manually allow the payment, they said no, apparently these types of websites (or something) have given the bank too many problems with scams and charge backs so they dont even allow it anymore. I tried buying a prepaid cash card, it didnt work either. So the only other option is bitcoin then I guess. Damn. I have no clue how that all works either. Ill look into it at some point.
  5. So im unable to purchase. My card declines the purchase from the site. No idea why. I really dont want to F around with bitcoin and bitcoin wallets and all this nonsense. Why cant it just work? Fuck this is frustrating man.
  6. So, im trying to buy, can I not buy 1 week with a debit card? It shows i can buy 1 week, 1 month etc with crypto. Then under that in "alternative options" the only option is 80 dollars?
  7. If im buying 1 week access to DayZ, do I need a battleye bypass and injector ?? Everything ive read says I do....

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