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Raizen last won the day on May 24

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  1. I want to preface this review with two distinct avenues: rage and legit. I also used other arma 3 cheats out there as well and will be drawing some info from them, but won’t provide their names as this is the proofcore forums. I have thousands of hours of arma 3 (and arma 2) experience and begun cheating because I simply got bored. Therefore I know a lot about the game and its mechanics. I’ll use this info during the review. Security 10/10 No bans, about 3-4 months total of using proofcore. That said, I never received bans using others as well. But there was a massive ban wave about 5 months back, I wasn’t using any cheats during that time, but to my knowledge proofcore was the only one to remain undetected. ESP 8/10 Some people have problems with the ESP with screen flickering and it lagging behind. But I never had this issue, I think it’s related to some sort of BIOS configuration and or one’s performance on arma 3. The ESP will drain some frames, especially in full servers where you have its distance maxed out, but if you just lower the distance you’ll get quite a few of those frames back. I’ll say you lose about 5 frames max in busy situations (30+ players around you). Quite good and I noticed the ESP doesn’t take as much performance as the competition. Aimbot - rage 10/10 Best aimbot there is for raging. Smart bullets for example change the ballistic trajectory of the bullets mid air. Shoot up into the air, then lock onto your target and watch the bullets fly directly at them (if within smart bullet distance). Downside is that it can’t be used for legit play, an admin having bullet tracing enabled will see the random turn of the bullets. Silent aim works as you expect it to work. Best raging aimbot there is. Aimbot - legit 2/10 Doesn’t aim correctly at the enemy unless in third person and or default FOV with a 1x sight. You can’t use smart bullets or silent aim if you wish to play legit thus those can’t fix the problem. Prediction is flawed and other cheats offer better prediction, however I will say that I suspect proofcore not having a prediction feature like its competitors is what kept the cheat undetected in the ban wave a couple months ago. Which is very much acceptable. There is no smoothing, so admins spectating you using spectate scripts will see the lock on. Smoothing is important for legit play in arma 3 since the spectate script is server side and not built into arma 3. It does not appear 1:1 to the person watching and stuff like recoil does not show. But due to no smoothing and it being an abrupt lock on they would be able to tell you’re cheating with ease. Smoothing is pretty much required. script executors 8/10 Good script executor, a lot of scripts are detected through serverside anti-cheat and are logged in admin panels but that’s to be expected. The reason why it’s a good score is because it’s an option, one that many other cheats no longer provide. And there are scripts out there that aren’t detected by serverside anti-cheat making them fair game. You just have to be knowledgeable on which one’s to use if you want to avoid a server ban. Stream-proof This is always a nice feature to have. It’s streamproof meaning it wont show cheat if your using OBS game capture. Overall, a good cheat. The security outweighs the downsides though I would like to see the aimbot being improved with legit settings . It doesn’t need prediction, but I do believe it needs smoothing and the ability to properly aim at the enemy without the use of smart bullets would be amazing. If such changes were made, then it’d be the best cheat on the market and I’d update this review accordingly. But for now, this cheat receives an 8/10, perfect security and legit play with ESP only and the best rage options on the market. Would easily be a 10/10 once the cheats aimbot is properly functional and updated. A long review, but I hope it helps others decide what options to go with. I also hope it sparks change and the cheat aimbot receiving a update for legit users. Arma 3 has about 25% of its population being cheaters with the majority of them closet cheating, so if proofcore were to update its legit aimbot it would bring a lot of new members.
  2. Not that I know of, and some peoples names turn green while others do not. From what I have witnessed, I believe those that are green are admins/mods but I’m not entirely sure. Would be nice to see if a support member knows. The cheat itself is quite safe to use since it’s been undetected for a long time. I would not use the aimbot at all, smart bullets basically turns the bullet to the enemy you are locked onto and admins can see the trajectory change of the bullets using bullet tracing. I tested this in scenario missions, so it’s easy to tell if your cheating if they turn on bullet tracing view. The aimbot also has no smoothing features, just locks. It’s in accurate and aims to the side of the enemy rather than on them (except for third person). If they’re spectating you they can see this lock, but if the cheat had smoothing it’d be harder to see since the admin spectating script is actually off and isn’t a perfect 1:1 view. By this I mean an admin spectating you doesn’t have the same FOV as you and often your guns will show no recoil or sway (even if you’re playing without cheats). The spectate tool is just a script, it’s not built into the game naturally thus it’s not perfect and the simple addition of smoothing can make you appear legit through spectators. Locking on however is so abrupt a person watching can easily tell.

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