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Fortnite review

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Proofcore is one of the most UD cheats I’ve ever used. I had previously given up on cheating in Fortnite back in 2021 because of constant detections.. but with Proofcore I can play basically forever without worrying about being banned.


Aimbot: 9/10

For external mouse aim it performs pretty damn close to internal memory aim and I’m able to hit basically all my shots with the correct settings, And the advanced section in the aimbot settings is very customizable allowing for a very legit looking aim while still hitting basically all my shots. only thing I’d add to improve the aimbot section is making it so more options saved when switching between the primary and secondary profiles


ESP: 8/10

Very clean looking ESP with all the information you’d ever need in Fortnite, item ESP is very nice and the text readability is pretty good as well compared to other cheats, my only issue is the ESP is the visible check “occluded” doesn’t always work and people who aren’t visible will highlight a different color but that’s not too big of a deal.

Security: 10/10

Where do I even begin. This cheat is so Undetected that I would consider playing on my main that’s how confident I am that I’d be safe. I’m able to play legit or rage without an issue with detections or bans. 

So if you’re looking for the absolute best there is for Fortnite then consider Proofcore and start winning!


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