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Fortnite Pre-Sales Questions




Greetings, I'm new to Fortnite cheating and would like to have some questions answered before I decide to buy the cheat:

1 - Is it okay for me to play it on my main? I heard Fortnite has some sort of IP ban that even if I played on another account and got banned in it, I'd lose my main as well. But I would still like to know if that's okay or it is not recommended.
2 - Is there any way for me to verify that other users have used the cheat for a long period of time without getting banned? Like screenshots or videos of the folks who have used for at least 6 months and are still going at it strong (with their sensitive information such as account name censored of course). I know it might sound like paranoia, but it would put my mind at ease seeing other folks playing on accounts with high level ranking or high battle pass level or even high account level.
3 - Is it more likely for me to get banned by being reported by other players or by the anti-cheat itself getting me? I plan on legit cheating, so it would be better for me if I only ran at risk of others players getting suspicious of me and not the game itself just straight up destroying me.

4 - Lastly, what exactly does the temporary HWID Spoofer and Traces Cleaner do? I've heard the terms before, and I sort of have an idea of what the HWID Spoofer is suppose to do, but I have no idea what the Traces Cleaner is supposed to be. Is it recommended that I use them both before injecting the cheat?

I'd really appreciate answers to those questions as they really are the last barrier between me and actually getting the cheat, much obliged!

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  1. Its never recommended to cheat on a main but if you can accept to lose it at some point, its up to you.
  2. We cant really proof that but our status is real: https://proofcore.io/status/
  3. As of now the only bans that happen are by reports 
  4. The HWID Spoofer temporarily spoofs your HWID while our cheat is injected. If you are HWID banned you can play again. As for the Trace Cleaner, Fortnite leaves traces on your device if you get banned. With our Cleaner its possible to play again without the need of reinstalling windows.

Have fun 🙂

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