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BO6 Proofcore honest review

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I have to say that I really wanted to like proofcore. After reading all of the reviews saying the aimbot and esp is flawless and better than any other external on the market. 

I must honestly say that I can not vouch for this. 

Now I have only used it for an hour or so, but my experience was nothing but bad. Aimbot is snappy and laggy. It would jump around when people went out of vision mid fight. ESP would show up weird places and on teamates after respawn (only for a second or two).  Running radar only is a nightmare, you must use the esp. It feels like im playing on 60 fps when my game fps is on 300+.  Not smooth at all. 


And yes I looked at configs on discord and forum. I spent 5 minutes after every game tweaking it. I honestly think I'd enjoy playing legit more than this. And of course I bought the 1 month sub lmao. It is whatever though, no hard feelings. 


I hope this review doesnt make you not want to buy proofcore, but rather make you buy the week sub instead of a month. Hopfully 1 day sub will be a thing in the future.

Posted (edited)

It feels like im playing on 60 fps when my game fps is on 300+.  Not smooth at all.  "

Which is normal because you're in fullscreen windowed ... it has nothing to do with proofcore

Make a custom resolution and put 144/165hz/240 hz depending on your monitor

Then check if it's the same refresh rate in game and change it if needed in settings

If it doesn't work Disable VSync and if it's already disabled try to enable VSync

Aimbot is snappy and laggy

You'd better ask for helps to tweak ur aim settings correctly , most ppl here give 8/10 to 10/10 when it comes to aimbot

And yes I looked at configs on discord and forum. I spent 5 minutes after every game tweaking it.

You can't use aimbot cfg from others users 

Could be too slow or too fast

You need to read informations correctly ... It's written

Edited by Cyril

I play on windowed fullscreen usually when im not cheating and other BO6 cheats do not have this issue. Aimbot speed was no problem it just felt laggy sometimes, but that might be my side.,

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