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PUBG Review [First 48HRS]


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Cheat runs fine and have had 0 issues so far. Occasionally the loader will be wonky but that's nothing crazy / too annoying. I mainly run player ESP and occasionally toggle loot ESP if I need something mid / late game. If you use it at the start and instantly go for good stuff or slow down and look like a bot then surely that'll increase your odds of being banned 😉 If I use aimbot then I do something like max 420 distance 😜, bind both side buttons and do smoothness 10 with fov 50-60. If you can already use the guns decently then ESP is all you'll need. Spectator feature is major plus too! I will do a status update in a few days / week or more! 10/10 cheat for anyone who might be hesitant or need help persuading that one friend who is horrible but too scared to cheat and they want that extra proof 🤣

4 hours ago, donkeydonk said:

they require picture of ID, they can use that for something you know


You can hide the details we don't need, so it can't really be used for anything, besides we have one of the best reputations out of any of the cheat providers

8 hours ago, donkeydonk said:

they require picture of ID, they can use that for something you know


As Yoda stated, you can hide any important information. They only require your DOB & Picture proof of you + the ID -shrug- I guess if you don't have a ID then that's a issue but otherwise, I see nothing wrong. I'd much rather have that one extra step + a slight wait time vs having bots come on here and spread misinformation ^_^ If your hesitant to purchase, don't be! Proofcore has shown me over the last 72hrs that they know what they are doing and I will surely purchase more products from them!


Just got that sexy One Week Badge!

- First week thoughts. 10/10. Great menu and entirely undetectable. My main is still up and running with no issues and I've raged on a few alts. Of course the alts didn't last because reports and moderation are factors along with anticheat measures to detect recoil patterns and such (If this is even still a method they use, I remember it was one of their very first ones) Very stable menu and no issues with the loader at all. Of course there was a slight downtime a few days ago but it didn't last long at all! Dev(s) really know their shit and deserve all the 💰

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