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Kopfner last won the day on January 13 2022

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  1. I've been using dayZ on rearmed for like a year and its been completely fine. The last detection was in 2020. I have been admin banned on a few accounts i've raged on but in terms of actual detection the cheat isn't detected at all. Also, if you do post an application and pass and get verified then make sure you don't join the discord with the same discord you are in rearmed or lone survivor discords etc, there is an admin from rearmed in the discord somewhere who bans people if they have the same IGN as they do in proofcore discord or if they are in the proofcore discord and rearmed.
  2. You can use a spoofer after logging into the loader
  3. You can hide it using OBS/Medal but the cheat is down rn.
  4. It depends if you got reported or not. PUBG also has weird things in place that track mouse movement and make it easy to tell if ur using aimbot I think. Everytime I used the PUBG cheat I was banned other than when I never used aimbot.
  5. It hasn't but PUBG manual bans also and the clips in that video are obvious as fuck lol
  6. why cheat on account with so many skins
  7. no I know. I was just waiting for an official update cause it was very very bad when I used it. was waiting for an update so i know when to buy it again
  8. the beta doesnt flicker for you? has this been addressed yet do you know?

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