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Posts posted by Sierra

  1. 4 hours ago, mooncakee14 said:

    Do i need to get my own spoofer? does it come with one? do i need to reset my hardware as i have a new pc never been banned or used cheats before


    is it easy to set up? i have never done this, i am looking to purchase 30 day on friday for apex


    i have the required windows 11 etc.

    comes with a spoofer very easy to use just follow the instructions once you buy 

  2. On 3/24/2021 at 9:22 PM, romisuen said:

    Hello guys , im really sad rn , i really starting to thinking about suicide , so i followed a stupid crypto signals to buy SKL at 0.72$ , and its just keep falling , i have putted $4x,xxx to it which means its ALL IN for me , and now just look at the price for SKL , im scared to tell me parents , im scard to face any of my family , i have been crying soo hard for a long time , finally i have a option on my mind that ... should i even keep alive.... , im sorry to take ur times to reading this , but i just want atleast i created something in other memorys .

    Do not enter crypto world with all ur money** , i don't want u to be the next me .


    Please do not invest if you do not know what you are doing. You will probably still make profit considering its a crypto just wait a few months. Also life isnt about money 40k is nothin compared to what you will see in your lifetime don't  make a stupid decision over something that is easily re gainable  

  3. On 3/5/2021 at 12:51 AM, DILSHAD said:

    been using it for a week now and have to say that this apex tool is the best right now, most of the other cheats got me banned in few days this one is lasting for sure

    in apex u can see who is observing u in normal games so u can be very safe with manual bans just dont go crazy raging and in ranked dont use aim bot alot just esp is enough

     all in all great tool and i would buy it every month for sure 

    Glad you are enjoying proofcore, Thanks for the review 

  4. 58 minutes ago, grimmjow2000 said:

    Ok fair enough, is it the same for pubg? Must be tough to control and look legit. 

    You can make it look legit you can change the fov and smooth to your liking 

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